Often I find the hardest thing for me when it comes to writing is starting something off. Unless I’m really motivated by something I have trouble sometimes getting a pen or typing of the first sentence. A poem, a story, an article, whatever. Sometimes I feel that my brain just doesn’t want to cooperate with me. So to prepare for those times I have a whole notebook of prompts for both my stories and poems. Of course I don’t always need them but they do tend to be pretty helpful every once in a while…
Well to get to my point, I was looking through my book of prompts when I came up to one that really caught my attention. “Open the book that unveils the hearts.” My thoughts practically ran away and settled down on reading the Quran. So I took out my copy and sat down and started to read. Ironically, I was reading Surah Al-Israa’ (The night journey) and I came up to verses 45 and 46.
“And when you recite the Quran, We put between you and those who believe not in the hereafter, an invisible veil.” “And we have not put coverings over their hearts lest that they should understand it, and in their ears deafness. And when you make mention of your Lord Alone in the Quran, they turn on their backs, fleeing in extreme dislike.” –Surah Al-Israa’ Verses 45+46
Subhanallah, I could only think, Ya Allah Don’t Place any Veil over my heart! The Quran is simply amazing. I might have read those verses many times but I haven’t gave much attention to the deep meaning up till then. So every time I pick up the Quran, I’m already anticipating and wondering what new thing will I learn this time?

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