Ever have that kind of weather where when you look out of the window it looks like a beautiful summer day but if you dare to step outside you'll freeze. So you have to bundle up with millions of layers? That's how its been yesterday and today. I hate it! But i'm always complaining about the weather lol. Today is those kind of 'bad' days where you feel like nothing is going your way =( I hope tommorow's better inshallah
~ Qur’an [24:30-31] ~
My cousins came over to visit. They're going to be staying for a while =) and i don't mind one bit. Why? Because that means my faaav lil cuz is going to stay here with me
She's soo cute mashallah =) She brought me these cute lil slippers as a gift lol I think i'll wear them tonight to keep her happy.
I had an intresting convo with my nephew yesterday when I went to visit
Me: You don't hav school Yusuf? Or are you sick?
Him: Can I ask you something?
Me: Na3am, what happened?
Him: Does Allah get mad at you if you lie?
Me: You lied about something?
Him: I didn't want to go to school so I said that I don't feel good and mama let me stay home...is that bad?
That got us into talking about why lying isnt't good, and he promised not to do that again
Its been a while since I've posted anything.
My sister had a state test today *or so she thought* so i cancelled all my plans and took her there this morning. We got there and the lady's like, "I'm so sorry, your test is tommorow" You can imagine how i felt, but i saw how sorry she looked so i forgave her for not double checking lol
I'm thinking about moving my blog to wordpress =) I haven't decided yet though. So we'll see inshallah...
Edit I've changed my mind about moving :p
Many times I have found my intentions
Are not what I want them to be
I know I start on the right direction
But Shaitan starts talking to me
And I forget that without my niyyah, I'm just wasting my time
My intentions cannot bring the reward, when they're out of line
So I pray to Allah to help me, to do everything for Him only
Doesn't matter if the people despise me
Cause with Allah I can never be lonely
I want to be a mystery, yet be known
I want to be together, yet alone
Is it too much to ask, To be famous yet unknown?
To be a wanderer, yet have a home?
My insecurity makes me sick,
Yet my confidence makes me thick
Can I be harmless, yet grip the stick,
Be completely smooth yet have a nick?
Can I live in a lie, yet be true
Can I be unique, yet so like you?
Have no control, yet know what to do?
Can I be ugly, yet beautiful too?
Answer me, I need your help,
Can you help me or someone else?
I need your help, can't you see,
Are you even listening to me?
by: Kara Douglas
What do I want? Like if i could wish for one thing and you knew you'd get it right then and there, what would be the first thing that would come to your mind? That was the topic of our talk yesterday at the masjid. I didn't feel like talking much, so i let them do the talking.
Everyone recieved a slip of paper with the question, "If you could wish for one thing, what would it be? Write down the first thought that comes to your mind." I have to say it turned out a lot better than i expected it to. =) I got permission from some of the sisters if I could post their answers.
These were the answers of the older sisters...
"If i could wish for one thing, I would ask Allah that Allah makes me the cause of someone's conversion to Islam."
"I would wish for a pure heart, free from sins."
"I would ask for an easy path to Jannah."
And the answers of the younger girls...
"I wish that when I grow older I could go to Hajj and have all my sins erased."
"I would wish for Jannah!"
"I would ask for Allah's mercy, because if Allah has mercy on me, then that would be the best thing ever."
When was the last time you thought about the day of judgement? The last time you sat down and wondered, Am I going to be from the people of Jannah? Or the people of Jahanam? When was the last time that you sat down and cried, "Ya Allah! I know I've sinned and transgressed..but i know how merciful you are! Ya Rab forgive me..."
(Picture's Source)
When was the last time you wondered, "Which hand will I recieve my book?" When was the last time you thought, "I have two angels literally sitting on my shoulders writing down every thought, act, and word that I say."
I wish fall was this pretty =) its a total mess on our front and back yard =( And the heavy rain and strong winds are only helping in knocking down more leaves. Its like there's an orange blanket on the ground.
Last night it rained so hard and so long that I thought we'd be having a flood! The weather here changes so quickly though. After the heavy shower last night, its sunny right now but soooo cold! brrr
I've decided to take a break from forums today...actually i was thinking I'll stay away from the computer but that didnt work. My family left to see my grandmother but i stayed behind. I don't feel like seeing anyone or talking to anyone at the moment.
When someone tells me "I feel so lonely..." I would stare at them like they've lost their heads. Today i found out what that word means.
When I found myself alone today with no one to talk to, I ended up thinking and my thoughts went wild. So i got a headache and after taking some advil, I'm back staring at the screen.
I love the little girl in the picture. Somehow she reminds me of me =) As baba said to me once, "Kafaaki 7uznan!" Wich i took to mean, you've had enough sadness...I'm not emo and I'm not always sad. Its just that people here only notice you when you're sad =(
Ya Allah! I always find myself saying that. For no reason. But you know, it brings me a lot of comfort when i say it. Why? Because I know that I have someone there for me that i can count on and confide in and trust.
This blog is becoming a peaceful haven for me right now.
Did i say i was going to take a break from the forums? I just posted =( Ya Allah! I don't know why I'm so stuck on them but I am. And i find myself checking them automatically without thinking, as if I've transformed into a robot. Subhanallah...
I think I've deserted my blog =x
But it feels like my brain has some kinda clog
I can't think of anything to write
I think i need some inspiring light
On more serious terms I'v stopped writing =( sad? Nah i haven't quit but i can't seem to get the natural flow that i use to have and you know what??? it hurts!