I've decided to take a break from forums today...actually i was thinking I'll stay away from the computer but that didnt work. My family left to see my grandmother but i stayed behind. I don't feel like seeing anyone or talking to anyone at the moment.
When someone tells me "I feel so lonely..." I would stare at them like they've lost their heads. Today i found out what that word means.
When I found myself alone today with no one to talk to, I ended up thinking and my thoughts went wild. So i got a headache and after taking some advil, I'm back staring at the screen.
I love the little girl in the picture. Somehow she reminds me of me =) As baba said to me once, "Kafaaki 7uznan!" Wich i took to mean, you've had enough sadness...I'm not emo and I'm not always sad. Its just that people here only notice you when you're sad =(
Ya Allah! I always find myself saying that. For no reason. But you know, it brings me a lot of comfort when i say it. Why? Because I know that I have someone there for me that i can count on and confide in and trust.
This blog is becoming a peaceful haven for me right now.
Did i say i was going to take a break from the forums? I just posted =( Ya Allah! I don't know why I'm so stuck on them but I am. And i find myself checking them automatically without thinking, as if I've transformed into a robot. Subhanallah...

1 Reply to "Tears"
Anonymous on November 18, 2008 at 7:39 AM
Salaam. Sis
Thats how it usually, lol we say we not going to post then we do!
Ur blog is beautiful and moving.
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