What do I want? Like if i could wish for one thing and you knew you'd get it right then and there, what would be the first thing that would come to your mind? That was the topic of our talk yesterday at the masjid. I didn't feel like talking much, so i let them do the talking.
Everyone recieved a slip of paper with the question, "If you could wish for one thing, what would it be? Write down the first thought that comes to your mind." I have to say it turned out a lot better than i expected it to. =) I got permission from some of the sisters if I could post their answers.
These were the answers of the older sisters...
"If i could wish for one thing, I would ask Allah that Allah makes me the cause of someone's conversion to Islam."
"I would wish for a pure heart, free from sins."
"I would ask for an easy path to Jannah."
And the answers of the younger girls...
"I wish that when I grow older I could go to Hajj and have all my sins erased."
"I would wish for Jannah!"
"I would ask for Allah's mercy, because if Allah has mercy on me, then that would be the best thing ever."

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