My cousins came over to visit. They're going to be staying for a while =) and i don't mind one bit. Why? Because that means my faaav lil cuz is going to stay here with me
She's soo cute mashallah =) She brought me these cute lil slippers as a gift lol I think i'll wear them tonight to keep her happy.
I had an intresting convo with my nephew yesterday when I went to visit
Me: You don't hav school Yusuf? Or are you sick?
Him: Can I ask you something?
Me: Na3am, what happened?
Him: Does Allah get mad at you if you lie?
Me: You lied about something?
Him: I didn't want to go to school so I said that I don't feel good and mama let me stay that bad?
That got us into talking about why lying isnt't good, and he promised not to do that again

1 Reply to "Lil cuties"
Anonymous on November 27, 2008 at 1:02 PM
well done shaykha!
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